Research And Data Use Steering Committee
  • Steering Committee
  • Facilitate the expansion of data use for research, cancer prevention and control, and clinical outcomes; and improve access to pooled data across states and provinces for research.

Meeting Minutes 
AIAN Data for Cancer Surveillance Task Force
  • This NAACCR TF will address issues with the collection and use of cancer surveillance data on, and for, AIAN people. AIAN people have a unique cancer burden, which has been described in several published manuscripts. However, there are also documented difficulties with these analyses (e.g., misclassification of AIAN race in both the numerator and the denominator). With recent changes at NCHS with regards to race data for mortality and the national move towards non-bridged race denominators, we anticipate that these issues will only be magnified. This TF will convene with Tribal partners to discuss and describe some of these issues and provide recommendations to the cancer surveillance community to improve our assessments of the burden of cancer in this population.

Annual Report to the Nation
  • The Annual Report to the Nation is a collaborative endeavor by leaders in the cancer surveillance field. Each year representatives from the American Cancer Society, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Center for Health Statistics, NAACCR, and invited scientists analyze the latest cancer rates from NAACCR and other sources to report on the most recent cancer trends in the US. A special focus on a cancer of interest is selected annually for in-depth analysis. These reports are published in scientific journals.

Certification Work Group
  • Responsible for evaluating registry data submitted each year during call for data and assigning certification results based on established criteria. 

CiNA Editorial Work Group
  • The CiNA Editorial WG evaluates the data submitted for inclusion in the CINA products, selects the data for inclusion in the CiNA products, and determines how the data will be presented in the CiNA*Explorer. This WG also provides feedback back to the registry if any issues are identified in their data submission.   

CiNA Geographic Work Group
  • This NAACCR TF will address issues with the collection and use of cancer surveillance for geospatial analysis and area-based health disparities research. The goal of this Taskforce is to support and develop additional infrastructure to enable geospatial and health disparities research using both registry and CiNA Data.

CiNA Writing Network Work Group
  • This workgroup will establish a writing network for methods and research papers using CiNA data. This WG will provide opportunities for newer and more established members as coauthors. This WG will be structured as a managing WG with individual subcommittees for each paper topic. 

Coordinated Call for Data Work Group
  • This WG coordinates the submission for the NPCR, SEER, and NAACCR Calls for Data to ensure statistical comparability while accommodating for the unique data collection aspects of each submission. This WG works to reduce the burden of the multiple submission processes on central registry staff. This WG also keeps all agencies apprised of critical issues or requirements related to the individual CFDs to ensure a high level of collaboration among programs. This WG is responsible for ensuring IMS softwares and tools (Match*Pro, NAACCR*Prep) and Edits are updated and tested prior to start of CFD processing by central registries.

Data Security and Confidentiality Work Group
  • The confidentiality and data security work group is tasked with developing, disseminating, and maintaining up-to-date information on confidentiality and security practices for the NAACCR community. The permanence of this group is necessitated by the rapidly changing data security environment.
Fit for Use/Data Assessment Work Group
  • Establish "fitness for use" guidelines to improve data quality/completeness for specific purposes such as cancer control, survival, outcomes evaluation, comparative effectiveness research, and spatial analysis.
Geocoder Data Quality Work Group
Geospatial Resources & Analysis Task Force
  • Generate, or provide links to, resources for CCR community on geocoding and topics related to geospatial analysis of cancer incidence data.

NAACCR Talks Work Group
  • Organize periodic research-themed webinars, either as part of regular NAACCR webinar series or something separate.
Population & ABSM Task Force
  • Create resources to support cancer registry work including appropriate population estimates and ABSM. Special focus during this period on releasing previously developed tract-level population estimates, adjusting for loss of bridged-race and issue with Census 2020 due to differential privacy.

Population Attributable Risk
  • This workgroup is developing the methodology to produce Population Attributable Risk CiNA statistics for inclusion in CiNA Explorer.

RDU Social Media Work Group
  • The focus of the SM WG is to generate data-driven, original content for social media and the NAACCR Website. The content produced by the SMB WG is intended to promote the use of CiNA data and highlight research being conducted either by our members or using CiNA data. This WG provides opportunties for newer members.

Research Analyst Handbook Taskforce
  • The focus of the RAHT is to create a comprehensive set of resources to support all aspects of data use and research in central cancer registries. The content produced by the RAHT is intended to be an authoritative source to support both new and experienced registry staff.

Research Application Review Work Group (RaPR)
  • Using DaRT, this committee evaluates researcher proposals to use CiNA Research Datasets.

Scientific Editorial Board Work Group
  • This board meets to discuss papers that will be published using NAACCR data.

Secondary Data Sharing Task Force
  • This WG brings together registries, researchers, research funders, data sharing experts, and key federal stakeholders to discuss requirements, challenges, and solutions related to secondary sharing of cancer registry data, including sharing into data repositories or use in consortium pooling studies. The goal is to better understand the data sharing issues, identify solutions that support the NIH Data Sharing Policy, maximize the impact of registry data, and support NIH-funded cancer researchers while ensuring adequate protection of the registry data.

VPR Core Work Group
  • Develop a voluntary process to combine limited data from multiple registries to facilitate record linkage research.
Jeff Dowden
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Cancer Care Program
  • Send Email
Angela Meisner
NAACCR Primary Staff Support
Dr. Recinda L. Sherman
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
  • Send Email
Angela Eckstrand
  • Alberta Cancer Registry
Dr. Margaret Gates Gates Kuliszewski
  • New York State Cancer Registry
Brenda M. Hofer
  • California Cancer Registry
Christopher Johnson
  • Cancer Data Registry of Idaho
Karen Knight
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Daphne Lichtensztajn
  • Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry UC San Francisco
Dr. Paige Miller
  • Texas Cancer Registry
Dr. Bozena M Morawski
  • Cancer Data Registry of Idaho
Sarah Nash
  • State Health Registry of Iowa
Anne-Michelle Noone
  • National Cancer Institute
Manxia Wu
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Xiaocheng Wu
  • Louisiana Tumor Registry