CiNA Geographic Work Group
  • Work Group
  • This NAACCR TF will address issues with the collection and use of cancer surveillance for geospatial analysis and area-based health disparities research. The goal of this Taskforce is to support and develop additional infrastructure to enable geospatial and health disparities research using both registry and CiNA Data.

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Dr. Daniel Wiese
  • Cancer Registry of Greater California
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Kenneth Adams
  • Minnesota Cancer Reporting System
Ms. Elizabeth Harshaw
  • Texas Cancer Registry
Dr. Tabassum Insaf
  • New York State Cancer Registry
Furrina Lee
  • New York State Cancer Registry
Christina Marie Lefante
  • Louisiana Tumor Registry
Dr. Debby L Oh
  • Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry UC San Francisco
Mr. Steve Scoppa
  • Information Management Services, Inc.
Dr. Recinda L. Sherman
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Dr. Nikita Sandeep Wagle
  • American Cancer Society
Dr. Angela Werner
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lauren Wilkerson
  • Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry