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When and Where
  • 6/2/2025 8:30 AM CDT
  • 6/2/2025 12:00 PM CDT
  • Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT
  • Hartford
  • CT

Advanced SEER*Stat Software Training/SEER*Prep Presentation – Half Day (AM)

Monday, June 2, 2025

8:30 am – 12:00 pm                              

Fee includes continental breakfast.

SEER*Stat Advanced Topics covers survival using SEER*Stat, including relative, period, conditional, and cause-specific survival. Exporting data for survival analysis with other analytic software will also be covered.

Course Objectives

        Introduce advanced statistical topics in the analysis of cancer registry data and how data can be analyzed for survival within the SEER*Stat software.



Basic SEER*Stat training course or workplace SEER*Stat experience. General familiarity with the analysis of registry data. Each participant must bring a laptop with a Windows operating system or a Windows emulator. If an emulator is used, then the participant should test compatibility with SEER*Stat prior to the conference. 


Survival analyses, including relative, period, cause-specific, and conditional survival.


Course Organizer(s)

·        Steve Scoppa, Senior Systems Analyst, Information Management Services, Inc.