Inter-registry Data Exchange Task Force
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No subgroups are currently listed for this group. If you are the chair of a subgroup for this group and would like your group listed, please contact the NAACCR office at
Mona Highsmith
Linda Bloschies
  • Vermont Cancer Registry
Mr. Michael A. Castera
  • South Carolina Central Cancer Registry
Ms. Castine Clerkin
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Kitty Dang
Lori A. Havener
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Kaitlin Kruger
  • Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System
Ms. Michelle Lenzen
  • Arizona Cancer Registry
Mrs. Jamie Musco
  • New York State Cancer Registry
Dr. Recinda L. Sherman
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Mandi Walsh
  • Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System
Georgia Armenta Yee
  • Arizona Cancer Registry