Nominating Committee
  • Special
  • The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members nominated and elected by the voting Membership at the annual business meeting. The President shall appoint the Chair from the three elected candidates. The President also shall appoint a Board of Directors liaison to the committee. No member of this committee may designate an alternate with voting powers to participate in any meeting for which the appointed member is absent. The Nominating Committee shall secure candidates for the office of President-Elect, Treasurer, and Representative-at-Large as appropriate, and shall prepare a ballot to be distributed to the membership. The committee shall receive the completed ballots, tally the votes, and present the results of the election to the membership at the annual business meeting. The Nominating Committee shall also secure candidates from the Sponsoring Member Organizations for the position of Sponsoring Member Organization Representative to the NAACCR Board of Directors, and prepares a ballot to be disseminated to the Sponsoring Member Organizations. The Nominating Committee shall receive the completed ballots, tally the votes, and present the results of the election to the Board of Directors.
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Mrs. Andrea Sipin-Baliwas
  • Los Angeles Cancer Surveillance Program -USC
  • Send Email
NAACCR Primary Staff Support
Charlie F Blackburn, Jr
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
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Mrs. Lucinda Ham
  • Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center
Mona Highsmith
  • Minnesota Cancer Reporting System