Standardization And Registry Development Steering Committee
  • Steering Committee
  • Facilitate mission-critical role of NAACCR to prepare central registries to adapt rapidly and successfully to changing developments in cancer surveillance.
Meeting Minutes 
Cancer Informatics Advisory Group
CROS - Central Registry Operation Standards Task Force
CROS - Subgroup 2 Access to Source Data and completeness of Reporting
CROS - Subgroup 3 Data Quality Assurance
CROS - Subgroup 4 Data Analysis
CROS - Subgroup 5 Data Management
CROS - Subgroup 6 Security and Confidentiality
Edits Work Group
  • The EDITS Workgroup provides a formal mechanism to review and make additions/changes to edits and the NAACCR EDITS metafile.
ICD-O Implementation Work Group
  • Review and provide recommendations to adopt and implement new terms and codes proposed by World Health Organization (WHO) in newly released editions of the Classification of Tumors (blue books) and ICD O 4.

Implementation Guidelines Task Force
  • The Implementation Guidelines TF develops guidelines to implement additions/changes to Standards Volume II and registry operations.
Inter-registry Data Exchange Task Force
Pathology Reporting Work Group
  • The Pathology Reporting WG is developing additional guidance in Standards Volume V to address reporting of original pathology report information with biomarker and molecular laboratory test data.

Pediatric Site-Specific Data Item WG
  • The Pediatric Site-Specific Data Item Work Group (Ped SSDI WG) oversees the development and maintenance of cancer registry pediatric data items recommended or required for collection for one or more cancer sites/histologies/schemas.

Site Specific Data Item Work Group
  • The SSDI TF will review options for a data structure to accommodate existing prognostic factors and biomarkers as well as plan for proposed future data items and evaluate/modify the existing SSF content.
Uniform Data Standards Work Group
  • The Uniform Data Standards Work Group provides a formal mechanism to review and recommend proposed changes in data codes and/or the addition of new items submitted by NAACCR members to ensure that data remain comparable among central registries and other standard setters. Further, the WG provides a formal mechanism for reviewing and recommending edits of NAACCR-approved data items.
XML Data Exchange Work Group
  • The XML Data Exchange TF provides documentation, tools, and training to enable the NAACCR community to transition from the fixed-width data exchange standard to the NAACCR XML data exchange standard.
Jenna Deniaud
Ms. Heather Stabinsky
NAACCR Primary Staff Support
Lori A. Havener
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
  • Send Email
Ms. Peggy Adamo
  • National Cancer Institute
Wendy Aldinger
  • Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
Robin H Billet
  • Georgia Cancer Registry
Dr. Eric B. Durbin
  • Kentucky Cancer Registry
Stephanie M. Hill
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Jim P Hofferkamp
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Sandy Jones
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mary Jane King
  • Ontario Cancer Registry
Karen Knight
  • North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Lori Koch
  • Illinois State Cancer Registry
Mr. Gary M. Levin
  • Florida Cancer Data System
Joshua Mazuryk
Rich Pinder
  • Los Angeles Cancer Surveillance Program -USC
Ms. Randi K. Rycroft
  • Cancer Data Registry of Idaho
Valerie A. Somma
  • Colorado Central Cancer Registry
Georgia Armenta Yee
  • Arizona Cancer Registry
Valerie Yoder
  • Utah Cancer Registry